WIMMA lab - What is it?

12 July 2017

WIMMA lab is a challenge centered learning concept.

The lab runs as a 2,5-month project, which students participate as trainees. During the project, students form “virtual company” teams and solve challenges.

WIMMA Lab 2017 is the seventh iteration of the project. Previously WIMMA lab’s was known as Summer Factory.

Few words about a history

In 2011 JAMK got strategic research funding from Tekes and the project needed people to work on it. At the same time, some of the students from JAMK IT-Institute were out of job at summer. WIMMA Lab’s current product owner, Marko “NarsuMan” Rintamäki started to think how to solve both these problems. Consequently, the project “hired” few students as trainees. Initial success assured NarsuMan about the functionality of the concept and so started the journey towards what WIMMA Lab is today. From 2011 till today JAMK has been part of Cloud Software Finland, N4S and Cyber Trust research programs, been awarded honorary mention and seen hundreds of students grow professionally.

From Summer Factory to Challenge Factory

Contributions from JAMK to research programs have been more of practical nature. Open source tools have been made and emerging technologies investigated by making proof of concepts. Summer Factory made team-oriented product development platform FreeNest project for in 2011-2014. Co-creation tool Contriboard was developed during 2015. In summer 2016 virtual company concept was created. It was made to enable integration of two research programs and also challenge students to develop solutions, which required multiple teams to work in co-operation.

How WIMMA Lab came to be?

The learning concept had matured under the wings of research projects. Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences had seen the advantages and results of student projects as a work glove for research projects, but also as a great way to educate students and staff. Student projects had also attracted external interest from companies and other Universities. For future proofing the learning concept, name had to be changed, because Challenge Factory was already taken. From a long creative process, WIMMA Lab emerged.

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WIMMA Lab today

WIMMA Lab has established itself as an integral part of the dialogue opener between Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences and companies. Participating students are not only seen by companies as more experienced students when it comes to team and software development methodologies, but also as a gateway for the University to invite companies and media to showcase kind of talents and courses it has to offer.

Future of the education is forecasted to be a blended learning-driven with a strong emphasis on project working and WIMMA Lab is one of the current spearheads leading the way.

by Lauri Mäkinen